Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Next Rehearsal (11/22/2010

Thanks to all for a productive rehearsal last night. And welcome to our two, new board members!

Next week we will sing everything on the program. We will be in our modified quartet bunches for the entire rehearsal.

In the Bach, we will concentrate on improving rhythmic accuracy and ensemble in Ehre sei Gott. We will sing using the text unaccompanied in quartets and experiment with various tempos. In the three chorales we will refine pronunciation and work on being rhythmically responsive to phrase shaping by the conductor.

Glory to God (quick review)
His Yoke ("duet" chorus - melismas)
O Thou (quick review)
For Unto Us ("duet" chorus - melismas)
And He Shall Purify ("duet" chorus - melismas)
And the Glory (quick review)
Hallelujah (quick review)

If you have missed a rehearsal, or are new to the chorus, please make sure you have my markings in your score.

When a majority of the singers has worked on the music between rehearsals it really shows (and makes the rehearsal more productive and more fun. I work on my music every day (not just to prepare to conduct rehearsals, but to practice SINGING for the performances in December). DO YOU?


Rehema Kavugha said...

I look forward to singing in quartets!

Karen J said...

I LOVE singing in quartets! And ditto Steve - everybody should have all the markings in their scores. That was we can DWWR and work on being more musical and a much better ensemble.

My Muse and Me said...
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StFaustina said...

@My Muse and Me.I looked at your blog.You mean you speak for Jesus???? ...forget worrying about DWWR. It's not what Jesus would do it's what you should do...Do what was read,,,as in my suggestion:Go sell crazy somewhere else we kinda full boo!!!