Saturday, January 2, 2010

Twa Tonbou: Three Drums

Here are some YouTube videos of the piece with the most foreign language. Note that though it is in Haitian French (Pronunciation Guide and IPA included with the printed music) most of the text is nonsense syllables -- drum sounds.

A good performance by USC Chamber Singers:

A very spirited performance by the Kokopelli choir in a live acoustic. (Note memorization and movement!)

Concordia (MN) Chapel Choir. So white, it hurts!

Lots more (worse) performances available if you search "Twa Tonbou" at YouTube. This has been a real hot festival and contest piece for the last couple of years.

1 comment:

Kerstin said...

Love the Kokopelli choir. While not perfect pitchwise, at least they 'feel it'. Last video: ouch...