Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Book Recommendation

Charles Jessold, Considered as a Murderer by Wesley Stace is a wonderful novel. It's about a fictitious composer set in early twentieth century England. Lots of great stuff about music - plus it's a murder mystery, too! (Click the title to go to the Amazon Product page)


Amanda said...

Did you finish it? How was it?

elisa said...

it's a complex tragic satire on creative expression, which can sell itself down the river once it tragically manipulates it's own inspiration.

Steven C. Edwards said...

I will finish it tonight or tomorrow. So far it is among the most ingenious and enjoyable novels I have ever read. I'll let you know if he succeeds in pulling it all together at the end.

Anonymous said...

So . . . how was it?????


elisa said...

books are serious things and reading a good book is a blessing...this book is um...its about music and 'pretend people' whose story is told in the first person's past...yep and some kind of issue with an opera and how the author is a great lyricist with a talent for using people and how folk music is the holy grail(the only thing that made sense)its very academic and I wish there were Cliff Notes for some of the musical references and how they clairify the plot.i have never read such a difficult book since Hermann Melville' it and post what you think.