Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Music Theory on the Web (and in rehearsal!) 1.2 and 1.3

I thought the material on Rhythm (Part One Section Two 1.2) was self-explanatory, so did not spend time in rehearsal last week. Let me know if you have questions...

Tonight (9/22) we'll spend a few minutes reviewing simple, compound, and asymmetrical Meter (1.3):


there's lots of asymmetrical meter in the Bernstein!

Make sure you work through the online Activities for Review. Music Theory is not just an intellectual thing - it is a set of skills that you need to be able to apply quickly and efficiently.

Next week (9/29), Pitch (1.4) is pretty clear - I'm assuming that all of you can figure it out on your own (again, if you cannot read treble and bass clefs and name the pitches on the staff and on the keyboard, make sure you work through this section and/or ask for help. You should be able to recognize pitches - not have to count up or down from some reference point). I'll try to make time to do Scales (1.5) this week, too, so work ahead!

1 comment:

elisa said...

I have a big issue with music.It is like an addiction.I see it everywhere and it haunts me and I can't stand to hear music sometimes and I don't know which it will be but when it does sound off, it rattles my insides, I can just feel it go through my heart like a train. theory is like an 'intervention' for it.I am going to understand it better but it is going to take more than the online course, for even though my IQ is pretty good, I am no spring chicken.